15 Minute Lavender Wreath for under $15


15 Minute Lavender Wreath for under $15

Ok so I have been wanting to do a new wreath in my house for awhile now.  And when we bought a piece to put in the corner of our living room behind our over stuffed chair I saw the perfect spot for a mini wreath to hang!  I wanted something fresh and cute while still fitting into my vintage/farmhouse style.  After spending some time looking at different flowers on sale at Hobby Lobby, I chose to use a lavender and grapevine combo.  So without further ado, here are the instructions and supplies needed to construct your very own lavender wreath!


  • 1 lavender “bush”
    I found these on sale for $7 at Hobby Lobby.  It was much cheaper to purchase the bush rather than individual stems.  For those not familiar with the Hobby Lobby sale rotation, if the floral shrubs aren’t on sale one week, they will be the next.  If you really want to get great deals try going on a Saturday evening about an hour before they close.  The current weeks sale prices are still good, but they also put up the signs for the next week, so technically they have everything on sale.DSC_0341
  • 1 grapevine wreath – 14 in
    I also found this at Hobby Lobby.  The original price was 3.99, but with the weekly 40% off coupon I got it for $2.40
  • Dark brown hemp cord
    I already had this laying around my house, but a large spool of it cost around $4
  • Scissors
  •     Wire cutters


DSC_0340Step 1: Cut apart the lavender bush with wire cutters.  Cutting the sprigs off the bush will make managing and tying down the flowers much easier.

Step 2: Evenly lay out the sprigs gently bending them to the shape of the wreath.  You can make it as even or weighted as you want.

Step 3: Tie down the sprigs with the hemp cord.  You can make it as “wild” or “controlled” as you want.






Step 4: Enjoy!


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