So this past weekend we were working in our yard and it was hot…unseasonably steamy for this time of year. Anyways, as I stood with my head in the freezer, attempting to stop the gross facial sweat from dripping down my face, my eyes automatically gravitated to the quart of fudge swirl ice cream. We recently discovered that we have a sensitivity to sweets and I knew that if I opened that ice cream up, I’d regret it later. However, I did notice some frozen ripe bananas in the back of my freezer. Queue me frantically scrounging for other supplies in my fridge to see if I could magically whip something up. All I had on hand was some almond milk and Nesquick…I hadn’t been to the grocery in a few weeks because I have been trying to clear out our freezer. Needless to say, our pantry looked a bit bare. But at this point I had decided to make something, so I was willing to try anything. The milk was about to expire so what was the harm? I threw the banana, about a 1/2 cup of almond milk, and roughly 2 tbsp of Nesquick into the food processor. A few zips later we were in business! It was almost perfect consistency, kinda like homemade ice cream. If I had used a little less almond milk I think it would have been perfect! After quality testing my concoction before handing it over to my hubby, I had to give myself a pat on the back, it was delicious! A perfect sweet and cold treat without making our tummy’s pay for it!
3-Ingredient Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream

- 1 frozen banana – cut in half
- 2 tbsp chocolate Nesquick (I’m sure you could do strawberry too)
- 1/2 cup almond milk (or a little less for a firmer consistency)
Put everything in a food processor, blender, or Ninja
- Blend
- Pour in bowl
- Stuff face
- Sigh with satisfaction

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