Anyone out there have cats who are less than polite when it comes to your pretty decorations? Well anytime I have fresh flowers on my table or counter, my cats suddenly lose their minds, get on the counters and become botanists. So unless I put my flowers up on a shelf or use a wide based vase, my counters tend to look like a massacre of petals, water, and on occasion broken glass…not to mention constantly finding dead flower hordes underneath random pieces of furniture. Ugh…the joys of sharing a house with 2 ornery cats.
A solution dawned on me while we were drooling over one of the many episodes of “Fixer Upper” (a frequent hobby of ours) the solution became clear. The Gaines will often add flair to their decor by adding fresh flowers to anything and everything…including walls via a variety of wall vases! I had seen many versions of ways to make wall vases, so I decided to make my very own!
I used some scrap 1×6 wood from my hubby’s stash and cut them to be 13 inches tall. The first step was to stain the wood. I typically like to do this before painting a piece because if I plan on distressing the wood I don’t really want raw wood showing underneath.

Step 1: Stain
After the stain was dry, I put on 2 coats of Rustoleum’s Chalked paint in Linen White and distressed the edges once it was dry. The next step was to stencil the design on. I chose to use the Chalked paint again, but this time in Deep Navy.

Step 3: Stencil
After it was dry, I sanded it down to let the white color show through. I then sealed the piece with the Chalked Matte finish.

Step 4: Distress
Once everything was dried, Sean drilled the hooks that we found at Hobby Lobby into the board and we were all set to go!
I love the way it turned out! I may make some more using milk paint next time 🙂 But for now the rude kitties can’t reach my flowers!

All Finished!
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I love the way this turned out!
Thank you Mama!