So you’ve all seen our posts on Scotland, but we also were able to spend some time in London while we were in the UK! Since we were flying in and out of Heathrow, we knew that we didn’t want to waste nights in London hotels if we weren’t going to see anything, so we planned to spend about 2.5 days seeing the best of London. We wanted to stay in a central area with good access to the Tube and walking distance to some areas so we chose a decent hotel on Oxford Street. The area was very nice, close to the northeast corner of Hyde Park, with a 2 minute walk to the Tube.
Our first day was supposed to be the time for us to pick up the London Passes we had ordered and possibly get a sight or two in. However, our plans went poof when our train was delayed for 2 hours and rerouted, making us arrive 4 hours later than scheduled. This of course threw our site-seeing off for the trip. After checking in to our hotel we remade our plans for the trip. We knew that we wouldn’t be able to fit everything, so below is the itinerary we wrote up.
Day 1:
- Was supposed to arrive in London early afternoon on train from Edinburgh
- Train delayed 2 hours then rerouted. Train arrives 4 hours late and London Pass office is closed for the evening
- Dinner at an Italian restaurant nearby
Day 2:
- Got up early and strolled past Piccadilly Circus in search of breakfast
- Explored Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square
- Picked up London Passes from office
- Caught the Tube to Tower Hill Station to visit Tower of London (free entrance with London Pass)
Tower of London
- Tower of London is a must, but plan to arrive early in the day (especially if you want a free tour from the Beefeaters) and plan to spend several hours there
Tower of London
- Ate fish and chips (because you are in Britain)
Tower Bridge
- Explored Leadenhall Market (for all you Harry Potter fans out there ;0)
Leadenhall Market
- Headed across the river to visit Shakespeare’s Globe Theater (free entrance and tour with London Pass)
Globe Theater
- Tour is worth the time, plus the atmosphere around the Theater is awesome!
- Stopped into a really atmospheric pub to dry off and warm up while trying to find a place to eat
- Dinner at the Black Friar’s Pub
Day 3:
- Got up early and caught the Tube to Westminster station
- Grabbed breakfast and ate right by Parliament whilst being serenaded by Big Ben himself
- Toured the GORGEOUS Westminster Abbey (free admission with London Pass)
Westminster Abbey
- Walked through St. James Park and caught the tail end of the changing of the guards.
Changing of Guard
- Caught the Tube back to Charing Cross station (Trafalgar area) and browsed through the National Gallery (donation suggested)
National Gallery
- Enjoyed high tea in the Gallery Cafeteria (recommended by the guidebooks)
- Went back to the hotel and rested for about an hour
- Caught the Tube to Tottenham Court Road station and visited the British Museum (donation suggested) for their extended hours
British Museum
Day 4:

- Got up early
- Caught the Tube to Notting Hill Station
- Perused the Portobello Road flea market while munching on breakfast and coffee
- Headed back to the hotel and finished packing
- Caught the Tube to Heathrow
Doors of Portobello
Doors of Portobello

Portobello Market
Using the Tube system is by far the quickest and most convenient way to get around the city. We typically just purchased day passes (to use after rush hour) and were able to get easy access to most of the sites from the stations. Just be sure to keep to the right 🙂 .

If you have any questions or any other tips, share in the comments below!